about me
My name is Alyssa Dye.
I am a wife and a mother, first and always. My family is my why. I have four children and a husband that I absolutely adore.
Growing up, I danced and I loved it. It was a part of my identity. I even danced in college and had dreams of performing in stadiums for a professional dance team. But, unfortunately, the opportunities to perform as an adult dwindled. My soul has continued searching for that creative "thing" ever since.
In 2020, I was faced with health challenges that put things into perspective for me. Physical health and mental health need to be a priority, or they end up taking the priority without your permission. For my physical health, I am passionate about moving my body and fueling it with clean things. For my mental and emotional health, I use my camera. The entire process of creating photos and videos is where I found that "thing" to fulfill my creative needs.
I love telling a story and surprising your soul with emotion. And the look of watching someone watch a finished project and having their face light up with delight? It's everything.
Message me. Let's create something beautiful together.