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Photography Ideas: Diaper Caddy Product
Can I just say that six years ago when I had my first kid, diaper caddies did not exist! I love that brands innovate and come up with...

How to Edit a Photo with Terrible Lighting
It happens. Sometimes you find yourself in a not so great, lighting situation as a photographer. This shoot was a video and photo...

The cutest little Keepsake Box video
Being a stay at home mom and videographer/photographer, I often find myself wondering if I am balancing family work life in a healthy...

Logan, LDS Temple First Look Wedding Video
My sweet cousin Sadie and her fiancé tied the knot this past week. It was lovely and it reminded me of my own wedding. And it feels like...

Natemia Baby | Projects that Push your Limits
Natemia reached out to me because some of my work they had come across on Instagram. Honored and excited was an understatement. Natemia...

My First Real Client -- TRUplay
Around the same time I got my camera and started filming, I went to a local indoor playground called TRUplay. It is an indoor playground...
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