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My Why

My why is not unique. My why is my family.

I want to show them that I can show up for them- but that I can also show up for myself.

Between 2016-2021, I had four kids. That time frame in my life will forever remain a blur as I followed God's will for my family and kept producing babies. Now that they are here, I want to give them the world and show them that they can have the world.

Azure is 6, Reese is 4, Quinten is 2, and Davis is almost 1 year of age. I love them with every fiber of my being. It's so crazy that we've arrived at this point in our lives. Whenever my babies would reach one year of age, I would consider when we were going to start trying again. It was the magic sauce to having my children so close in age so they could be forever friends. God blessed us and everyday that is the first on my gratitude list.

My why is to show them that they can...

• Be the parent they want to be

• Always make mental and physical health a priority

• Earn a life they really, truly want

• Take advantage of all the beauties life has to give them

• Keep learning even into adulthood

• Share their gifts with their own families and with the world

So I will keep pushing myself. I want them to witness my growth as a mother, wife, and videographer. They are my everything.


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