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Photography Ideas: Diaper Caddy Product

Can I just say that six years ago when I had my first kid, diaper caddies did not exist! I love that brands innovate and come up with better products than I had even just a short time ago.

I've had the pleasure of photographing multiple diaper caddies, and for inspiration of shoots, I looked to home decor for ideas. When planning for my shoot, I would have loved to have had a post of inspiration that gave me ideas on the best way to shoot these baskets and how I could build upon another photographer's ideas.

So here you go, this is your inspiration post of some great shots of some diaper caddies. No fluff, just pretty photos.

Brand of baskets: Natemia Baby @natemiababy

Location of shoot: @lightloftstudios in Layton, Ut.

I hope you found this helpful fellow photographer! If you did, leave a comment below!


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